PS1 REVIEWS: Guardian's Crusade
Not having RPG games of its own, Activision in the 1990s attempted to latch onto any obscure RPG properties from Japan and support localizing them. Surprisingly, these localization efforts were highly competent but were honestly mostly wasted on mediocre games. It might seem a bit harsh to call Guardian's Crusade a mediocre game, but in a way, it is designed that way. This is a JRPG that is designed to be a person's first JRPG, and as such, it is basic in its mechanics, story, style, and difficulty. Unsurprisingly, for any experienced player, the result is a simply boring game. #A58: Guardian's Crusade:- Year: 1998, 1999. Genre: Turn-Based RPG. Publisher: Tamsoft, Activision. Developer: Tamsoft.